
注意:此类正在孵化中,可能会在 Gradle 的未来版本中发生更改。
































如果这是可见配置,则返回 true。可见配置可以在其所属项目之外使用。默认值是true。



Creates a copy of this configuration that only contains the dependencies directly in this configuration (without contributions from superconfigurations). The new configuration will be in the UNRESOLVED state, but will retain all other attributes of this configuration except superconfigurations. Configuration.getHierarchy() for the copy will not include any superconfigurations.


Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec. Behaves otherwise in the same way as Configuration.copy(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec)


Creates a copy of this configuration ignoring superconfigurations (see Configuration.copy() but filtering the dependencies using the specified dependency spec.


Creates a copy of this configuration that contains the dependencies directly in this configuration and those derived from superconfigurations. The new configuration will be in the UNRESOLVED state, but will retain all other attributes of this configuration except superconfigurations. Configuration.getHierarchy() for the copy will not include any superconfigurations.


Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec. Behaves otherwise in the same way as Configuration.copyRecursive(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec)


Creates a copy of this configuration with dependencies from superconfigurations (see Configuration.copyRecursive()) but filtering the dependencies using the dependencySpec.


Execute the given action if the configuration has no defined dependencies when it first participates in dependency resolution. A Configuration will participate in dependency resolution when:


Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies for all dependencies of this configuration. You can also add exclude rules per-dependency. See ModuleDependency.exclude(java.util.Map).


Adds the given configurations to the set of configuration which this configuration extends from.


Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec. Behaves otherwise in the same way as Configuration.fileCollection(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec).


Resolves this configuration lazily. The resolve happens when the elements of the returned FileCollection get accessed the first time. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. Only the resulting set of files belonging to specified dependencies is contained in the FileCollection.


Resolves this configuration lazily. The resolve happens when the elements of the returned FileCollection get accessed the first time. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. Only the resulting set of files belonging to the subset of dependencies specified by the dependencySpec is contained in the FileCollection.


Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec. Behaves otherwise in the same way as Configuration.files(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec).


Resolves this configuration. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. But only the resulting set of files belonging to the specified dependencies is returned.


Resolves this configuration. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. But only the resulting set of files belonging to the subset of dependencies specified by the dependencySpec is returned.

getTaskDependencyFromProjectDependency(useDependedOn, taskName)

Returns a TaskDependency object containing dependencies on all tasks with the specified name from project dependencies related to this configuration or one of its super configurations. These other projects may be projects this configuration depends on or projects with a similarly named configuration that depend on this one based on the useDependOn argument.

Script blocks

No script blocks

Property details

PublishArtifactSet allArtifacts (read-only)

The artifacts of this configuration including the artifacts of extended configurations.

DependencySet allDependencies (read-only)

Gets the complete set of declared dependencies including those contributed by superconfigurations.

This method does not resolve the configuration. Therefore, the return value does not include transitive dependencies.

PublishArtifactSet artifacts (read-only)

The artifacts of this configuration excluding the artifacts of extended configurations.

TaskDependency buildDependencies (read-only)

Returns a TaskDependency object containing all required dependencies to build the local dependencies (e.g. project dependencies) belonging to this configuration or to one of its super configurations.

DependencySet dependencies (read-only)

Gets the set of declared dependencies directly contained in this configuration (ignoring superconfigurations).

This method does not resolve the configuration. Therefore, the return value does not include transitive dependencies.

String description

The description for this configuration.

Set<ExcludeRule> excludeRules (read-only)

The exclude rules applied for resolving any dependency of this configuration.

Set<Configuration> extendsFrom

The names of the configurations which this configuration extends from. The artifacts of the super configurations are also available in this configuration.

Set<Configuration> hierarchy (read-only)

Gets an ordered set including this configuration and all superconfigurations recursively.

ResolvableDependencies incoming (read-only)

The incoming dependencies of this configuration.

ResolutionStrategy resolutionStrategy (read-only)

The resolution strategy used by this configuration. The resolution strategy provides extra details on how to resolve this configuration. See docs for ResolutionStrategy for more info and examples.

ResolvedConfiguration resolvedConfiguration (read-only)

Resolves this configuration. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration, and returns a ResolvedConfiguration that may be used to determine information about the resolve (including errors).

State state (read-only)

The state of the configuration.

boolean transitive

The transitivity of this configuration. A transitive configuration contains the transitive closure of its direct dependencies, and all their dependencies. An intransitive configuration contains only the direct dependencies. The default value is true.

boolean visible

Returns true if this is a visible configuration. A visible configuration is usable outside the project it belongs to. The default value is true.

Method details

Creates a copy of this configuration that only contains the dependencies directly in this configuration (without contributions from superconfigurations). The new configuration will be in the UNRESOLVED state, but will retain all other attributes of this configuration except superconfigurations. Configuration.getHierarchy() for the copy will not include any superconfigurations.

This method is only intended for use for specific situations involving resolvable configuration, it is NOT intended as a general-purpose copying mechanism.

Configuration copy(Closure dependencySpec)

Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec. Behaves otherwise in the same way as Configuration.copy(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec)

This method is only intended for use for specific situations involving resolvable configuration, it is NOT intended as a general-purpose copying mechanism.

Configuration copy(Spec<? super Dependency> dependencySpec)

Creates a copy of this configuration ignoring superconfigurations (see Configuration.copy() but filtering the dependencies using the specified dependency spec.

This method is only intended for use for specific situations involving resolvable configuration, it is NOT intended as a general-purpose copying mechanism.

Configuration copyRecursive()

Creates a copy of this configuration that contains the dependencies directly in this configuration and those derived from superconfigurations. The new configuration will be in the UNRESOLVED state, but will retain all other attributes of this configuration except superconfigurations. Configuration.getHierarchy() for the copy will not include any superconfigurations.

This method is only intended for use for specific situations involving resolvable configuration, it is NOT intended as a general-purpose copying mechanism.

Configuration copyRecursive(Closure dependencySpec)

Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec. Behaves otherwise in the same way as Configuration.copyRecursive(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec)

This method is only intended for use for specific situations involving resolvable configuration, it is NOT intended as a general-purpose copying mechanism.

Configuration copyRecursive(Spec<? super Dependency> dependencySpec)

Creates a copy of this configuration with dependencies from superconfigurations (see Configuration.copyRecursive()) but filtering the dependencies using the dependencySpec.

This method is only intended for use for specific situations involving resolvable configuration, it is NOT intended as a general-purpose copying mechanism.

Configuration defaultDependencies(Action<? super DependencySet> action)

Execute the given action if the configuration has no defined dependencies when it first participates in dependency resolution. A Configuration will participate in dependency resolution when:

This method is useful for specifying default dependencies for a configuration:

configurations { conf }
configurations['conf'].defaultDependencies { dependencies ->

A Configuration is considered empty even if it extends another, non-empty Configuration.

If multiple actions are supplied, each action will be executed until the set of dependencies is no longer empty. Remaining actions will be ignored.

Configuration exclude(Map<String, String> excludeProperties)

Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies for all dependencies of this configuration. You can also add exclude rules per-dependency. See ModuleDependency.exclude(java.util.Map).

Configuration extendsFrom(Configuration... superConfigs)

Adds the given configurations to the set of configuration which this configuration extends from.

FileCollection fileCollection(Closure dependencySpecClosure)

Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec. Behaves otherwise in the same way as Configuration.fileCollection(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec).

FileCollection fileCollection(Dependency... dependencies)

Resolves this configuration lazily. The resolve happens when the elements of the returned FileCollection get accessed the first time. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. Only the resulting set of files belonging to specified dependencies is contained in the FileCollection.

FileCollection fileCollection(Spec<? super Dependency> dependencySpec)

Resolves this configuration lazily. The resolve happens when the elements of the returned FileCollection get accessed the first time. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. Only the resulting set of files belonging to the subset of dependencies specified by the dependencySpec is contained in the FileCollection.

Set<File> files(Closure dependencySpecClosure)

Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec. Behaves otherwise in the same way as Configuration.files(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec).

Set<File> files(Dependency... dependencies)


Set<File> files(依赖规范)Spec<? super Dependency>

解决此配置。这将找到并下载构成此配置的文件。但仅返回属于 dependencySpec 指定的依赖项子集的结果文件集。

TaskDependency getTaskDependencyFromProjectDependencybooleanuseDependedOn,String任务名称)

返回一个 TaskDependency 对象,其中包含与此配置或其超级配置之一相关的项目依赖项中具有指定名称的所有任务的依赖项。这些其他项目可能是此配置所依赖的项目,也可能是具有类似名称的配置(基于 useDependOn 参数依赖于此配置)的项目。